Violin Spider cost me a leg and half of my income. This is Dave’s REBUILDING STORY

The violin spider is found throughout South Africa. Although it usually prefers to flee rather than use its’ fangs, this tiny 1-2cm spider carries a powerful venom.

As Dave experienced at the age of 53, the bite is entirely painless, and initially, there were only two deceptively small red dots. The cytotoxic (toxic to living cells) venom then led to a wound that gradually increased in size.

Dave sought medical attention for his increasingly itchy wound, and to summarise, he underwent 13 operations to try and salvage his leg. During his treatment, he never realised amputation was a possibility until it happened at age 54.

Dave’s employer moved him to a more office-based role following his amputation rather than his sales job, resulting in his income being halved.

Dave was referred to us by another one of our patients. After we supplied him with a prosthesis, he worked hard to accomplish his goals. He can now walk independently and without any pain.

Being able to mobilise again, he resumed his job “in the field,” and he has since reclaimed his total income!

Dave has shown remarkable resilience. This is one of the aspects that makes him so successful. One practical and clever solution that Dave came up with was to integrate his pants with his prosthesis. A cleverly concealed zip in the seam of all his pants makes getting dressed simple and easy.

So, if you ever feel you need fashion adaptations, Dave’s tailor is available. Should you find yourself in need of a prosthesis, we should be your first port of call. Contact us now for a consultation and let us help you rebuild and regain your life.